Nov 26, 2021 | Financial Planning, Personal Finance
People are downgrading their medical plans as they cannot afford the premiums — but at what cost? Roughly 20 months ago, the Covid-19 pandemic struck and life as we knew it was turned upside down. For many, the pandemic was a huge wake-up call, spotlighting our...
Apr 16, 2017 | Financial Planning, Frankly Speaking
What is your money mindset? A mindset is defined as a set of attitudes and beliefs that affect one’s behaviour. So what’s a money mindset? Simply, it’s your money belief system. Common money beliefs can be uncovered by completing this statement: ‘Money is…’ Here are...
Dec 30, 2016 | Financial Planning, Frank on Money
From history, we now know that millions across the globe commit themselves with atypical vigour to achieving their goals, such as losing weight, finding more happiness, eating more healthfully, quitting smoking, obtaining a better education, changing jobs and better...